Minerals in Cattle Urine
Faced with a problem of underproduction in cattle breeding, one of the complementary examinations available to the veterinarian is the analysis of urinary macroelements. When the infectious and parasitic causes have been ruled out and a feed-related problem is being considered, this analysis is an additional tool in the context of a breeding audit or follow-up.
- Calcuria
Urinary calcium excretion represents only a small portion of the calcium excreted by a bovine and is not dependent on blood calcium levels. (MESCHY, 2010). Thus a low urinary pH associated with high calciuria is a sign of metabolic acidosis..
- Phosphaturia
Phosphorus is also mostly eliminated in the faeces, its urinary excretion is low. Acute ruminal acidosis increases urinary phosphorus (ENEMARK et al., 2004 ; NIKOLOV, 1998) and kidney failure can also cause hyperphosphaturia (LUNN et McGUIRK, 1990).
- Magnesemia
The linear relationship between the digestive absorption of magnesium and its urinary excretion makes it a good indicator of nutritional status (MESCHY, 2010). Urine concentration is more sensitive to magnesium deficiency than plasma concentration, making urine analysis the test of choice for diagnosing magnesium deficiency. Metabolic acidosis, including that induced by low BACA in the ration, can increase renal excretion of magnesium(LUNN et McGUIRK, 1990 ; LEAN et al., 2006).
- Urinary excretion of electrolytes (K, Na, Cl)
Urine is an interesting medium for assessing electrolyte intake given the efficiency of intestinal absorption, the low excretion of electrolytes by the fecal route, and the low level of excretion in the urine. (MESCHY, 2010) and the absence of storage in the body (APPER-BOSSARD et al., 2010). Linear relationships exist between sodium and chlorine intake and urinary elimination. (APPER-BOSSARD et al., 2010). The urinary concentrations of potassium, sodium and chlorine are thus indicators of the level of dietary intake. Find all the information concerning these analysis in our catalog of services