




As the head of the laboratory, she manages the customer relationship and makes your quotations. As technical director, Barbara also manages method development and validation, the premises, the personnel, etc…
Anne Audouard

Anne Audouard

Quality and metrology manager

Responsible for quality and metrology, Anne ensures the quality system following NF ISO 17025 standard. She is also a technician, versatile on all assays and signs reports.




XXX is a technician, versatile on all dosages. She also ensures the reception of samples.

QUALITY & ISO 17025 :2017

Since its creation, Iodolab has voluntarily applied a management system according to the NF ISO 17025 standard, although veterinary laboratories are not subject to any legal requirements. Indeed, Iodolab has always wanted to be a forerunner in raising the quality of veterinary services. In 2014, Iodolab obtained COFRAC accreditation No. 1-5728 for its flagship inorganic iodine assay. Nevertheless, we apply the requirements of the standard to all our activities, so that all our analyses have the same reliability. In 2019, Iodolab successfully made the transition to NF EN ISO 17025:2017. In 2024, Iodolab ceased it’s accreditation by COFRAC but didn’t change their way to work.

 Iodolab commits itself on various points:

  • To work in complete impartiality and confidentiality.
  • Ensuring the competence of all its personnel.
  • Check the performance of equipment, reagents and consumables.
  • Control and secure the work environment to ensure the integrity of personnel, analysis and customer data.
  • Permanently prove the performance of analytical processes.
  • Ensure continuity of service levels even in the event of an incident. Any operating anomaly leads to a search for causes and the implementation of action to prevent its occurrence.
  • To ensure customer satisfaction, while informing the customer of any post or pre-analytical deviation that could have an impact on the service or on the interpretation of the result.
  • Manage risks and opportunities.